At our courses to start creating something
It is important tofirst understand what type of disability our users might have. Following thegoogle classification we can mainly identify two axes with reference todisability. The first identifies the area in which a disability can manifestitself vision. Hearing. Motor and cognitive. The other axis of thisclassification has to do with the manifestation of these disabilitiessituational. Temporary or permanent.Let.s give someexamples. A user may have been visually impaired sin Wallis and Futuna Islands Email List ce birth. Therefore hisdisability is permanent. Or he may have suffered a concussion and havetemporary difficulty reading. What does situational disability mean ? If a userwho does not have motor disorders in daily life finds himself holding a childin his arms. Perhaps on the subway. His ability to use the mobile devicedecreases significantly.
Another example ofsituational disability could be related to the environment in which he findshimself. A user who tries to follow a video tutorial in a very noisy room willhave difficulty following the instructions. Cognitive disabilities are oftenoverlooked. But these too can be situational. Temporary or permanent anddeserve consideration. A user may encounter cognitive difficulties when usingcontent written in a language that is not their language.