Just understand what you are
Naturally best at and focus there. To complement this, know your weaknesses and avoid paths in which they are fundamental skills. Principle 2: it's not about trying to be everything. Your core assets will give you everything. Chapter 3: recognition of the incongruous. Trying to do what everyone else does generates diminishing returns due to the accumulation of competition around similar positions. Seeking your natural and unique advantages is much more productive. Often the best way is to go the wrong way instead of following the herd. Principle 3: to use your core assets in different ways, go where others won't. Chapter 4: the value of constraints. Constraints can also be sources of opportunities to discover and apply our strengths in ways that create value. To do this, you need to cultivate a mental model that sees a difficulty as a point of leverage.
And often the way is to subvert logic and instead of looking for a problem to solve, creating value with it; start from the values you can create and ask yourself: what problems can they solve. Principle 4: embrace constraints. Constraints offerBahamas Phone Number opportunities. Chapter 5: sharpen your intuition and what you bring to the table. There is a belief that decisions in the business world must always be logical and rational. But it is increasingly clear that those who know how to use their intuition can reap good results. Intuition is simply the combination of your experience and your unique ability to make non-linear, non-incremental connections in search of fascinating solutions. It's a way of thinking exponentially instead of thinking linearly. This often means using the diy concept. Look at what you have at hand and articulate this set of elements in an innovative and improvised way, generating something truly special.
What gets in the way of this exponential reasoning is thinking restrictively about problems, defining them too narrowly instead of thinking about broader objectives. Principle 5: your power of discernment comes from believing in your intuition and experiences. Part 2: about enchanting. Chapter 6: the power of the unexpected. One of the aspects that opens doors for us to generate value is the ability to surprise, through the unexpected, often using humor, which has an enormous capacity to make people pay attention. Another surprising thing is authenticity, when you look for your way of doing things, based on your essence, you attract attention. Principle 6: before people let you in they will need to be surprised. Chapter 7: reflective improvisation. You surprise with much more impact when the situation seems accidental and improvised, but that doesn't mean we should leave everything to chance.