If a lot of people are searching for something in Google or other search engi...
Ask questions like: What big problems do my target customers have? What are the burning questions they need answers to? Of those problems, which ones aren’t already solved by existing content on the web? Are there important questions that they’re not getting adequate answers to? Of those problems, are there any that you’re uniquely positioned to address? Do you have special knowledge, insight, or data that could help people facing these problems? Give yourself plenty of time to think about these questions. Gather ideas from everyone in your business. Talk to your actual customers! Your cornerstone content needs to be relevant to your audience. When you find a meaty problem or question, do some competitive research to make sure you have something new to bring to the table.For example, you might think a mattress buying guide Benin WhatsApp Number is a great idea for a cornerstone content piece – but that’s already a very crowded (and surprisingly controversial!) space, and you might not be able to create something unique or 10X better than what’s already available. competitive keyword research for content It’s hard to rank for competitive queries if you can’t create something much better than what’s already ranking What you’re looking for here is a hole, a point of entry. The ideal topic for a cornerstone content piece is something that people are commonly searching for, without getting satisfying results. This way, you can swoop in and be the hero.
Once you’ve settled on a topic idea, think about the format that would best deliver what people are looking for: A long-form how-to guide? (like that SEO guide for beginners mentioned above) A video or series of videos? (like Home Depot’s DIY project series) Some kind of data visualization? (like a timeline or map) A searchable database of some type? (like that beauty review site) A free tool or app? (like a mortgage calculator or a photo editor) Delivering super-helpful information or guidance in the right format is crucial to great cornerstone content. Step 2: Keyword research Once you’ve got your topic idea in mind, the next step is keyword research. You want to be sure that there’s healthy keyword search volume related to your topic of choice, because keyword volume is a sign of interest and demand.