DNS servers There are main types
This is the simplest way to explain the topic but it is certainly much more complicated than this and includes many steps and the presence of many DNS servers that work on this process. Therefore in order to fully understand how DNS works we will first begin by identifying the types of DNS servers.Read also What is the Internet in simple terms TYPES OF DNS SERVERS There are main types of DNS servers which we need to know in order to understand how DNS works in detailS AB Belgium WhatsApp Number Data OUT DNS a What is DNS DNS is a system designed to retrieve the IP addresses of the domains that we enter as browsers and computers do not understand the letters of the domain but they understand the numbers of the IP addresses. This system helps us surf the Internet and access the sites we want without having to memorize all their IP addresses. b How does DNS work Quite simply the DNS works like a phone book.
When you type the name of the website you want it goes to its database and matches the name to its unique IP address. Then he sends it to you so that you can access the site through it. This is a very simplified explanation but there is a more detailed explanation inside the article so do not miss reading it. c What are the types of of DNS servers Root DNS Server. Top Level Domain Server or TLP Server. Authoritative DNS Server. DNS Resolver DNS Server. You can learn about it in detail by reading the article. d Is DNS necessary The DNS system itself is not necessary if you save the IP addresses of the sites and you can write them down and access the site directly.